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Attempting Second time in Chennai…Single child case…

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  • Attempting Second time in Chennai…Single child case…

    Got rejected on first time on Feb 3 rd of 2007 for my mom and asked them to take the receipt as soon as she informed me the evil news…they went to nearby HDFC in Chennai and got the receipt num…and using which I have taken another TELUGU appointment on May 9 th….sent all of the related docs like 156,157, I-134,bank stmnt and employer letters with newer dates,,,lets C wat happens…

    First time they rejected as soon as she said they have SINGLE child..:-((…trying something different this time for the same question and I will let u know if we succeeded in securing the visa…so that it will be helpful single child cases…after-all no one have never imagined having single child will bring this kind of hassles…she attended telugu interview with telugu speaking female officer and that lady asked general Q’s and rejected her…

    Mom felt depressed first time and it took her 5 days to become normal as all her dreams got shattered with that 214-b form…so I prepared her for rejections and dejections this time with optimistic thoughts….surprisingly she mroe confident with answers now...:-)) I’m only bothered about sending them to Chennai every time in those hot weather conditions. But no other go as of now… they r coming up with consulate in Hyderabad it seems….

    I’m not gonna leave them until they allow my mom to come here,,of course with the grace of almighty…It’s my dream to bring my parents here and show this country and it’s culture,,,,after-all she is not gonna stay here more than 6 months and I have every legal right to bring my parents here…wish me all the best in my battle for my mom..


  • #2
    Originally posted by Troubleshooter

    First time they rejected as soon as she said they have SINGLE child..:-((…trying something different this time for the same question and I will let u know if we succeeded in securing the visa…so that it will be helpful single child cases…


    Just a friendly warning - my parents were at the consulate less than two months ago and they told me that when they looked around all visa officers were definitely taking down some notes on the computer as they and other applicants were answering the VO's questions.

    So some people might say that you can lie and get a visa. But be very careful. If the applicant lies and they are able to trace the lie (especially since your mother applied so recently) it may get the applicant in to even more serious trouble and she may not be allowed to apply again. I have certainly heard of a couple in our locality who lied about something to the VO who was carefully observing their faces and behavior. The VO figured out that there was something wrong with their answer and so asked them several more detailed questions about that particular issue to both of them together and individually. The couple became more and more flustered with every question. Needless to say they did not get the visa.

    Please don't put your mother through that kind of torture.

    There are lots of people who have gotten visas despite having their only children in the US. So definitely try again for a visa. But my suggestion would be not to lie about basic questions like how many children the applicant has.

    Good luck
    Last edited by smohanty; 05-04-2007, 03:03 PM.


    • #3
      mohanty brother....

      thanx for ur advsie brother....

      I have no thoughts abt asking my mom to say lie abt having second child etc....

      I think u thought abt the same and advised me on the same...which is very nice of u....

      I know she is carrying our ration card ,where in they have details abt family tree....I wld have asked her "not 2 carry ration card or tell abt multiple children wen we attempted first time" it self, if I wld have those thoghts abt lying..

      well,I shld have told my strategy in the first post itself.,,my fault..;-((

      here is it:

      I'm sure that she is gonna face the same q abt single child..

      so I asked her to tell the honest asnwer,,,

      we have only one child and there by tell all her connections/ties with family,,,mention abt my dads job,,salary,,taking care of inlaws,,grandmather,,and ofcourse abt properties...

      I asked her to turn in my letter to consulate while answering this Q..

      last time she just said,,they have only one...and that it..

      this time I asked her to utter all the above story,,though they din't ask for all of those....

      and i'm not sure it works or not...

      for the same reason i din't write it in the first post....

      again,,,,thanx a bunch for ur post filled wid inspiration and truth....


      • #4
        Originally posted by Troubleshooter
        thanx for ur advsie brother....
        we have only one child and there by tell all her connections/ties with family,,,mention abt my dads job,,salary,,taking care of inlaws,,grandmather,,and ofcourse abt properties...

        BTW, a nice photo with all of the extended family you mentioned above would be very useful to hand over to the VO when she is answering that question.

        Good luck, boss.


        • #5
          Got Visa Folks

          My sincere and special thanx 2 this forum and the active members...
          my mom got 10 yr multi entry visa today and I'm on cloud9 now...
          I never felt this way even wen they stamped my h1 first time....
          my god,,,this feeling is awesome....

          they asked couple of same old q's...and of course the trickey one...
          How many children u have?

          Unlike first time I asked my mom to tell the answer stating “ I have only one child and my husband works here,,,and I have my MIL to take care of,,,,and we have got these properties,,,,and I’m going there as my son got holidays in june etc etc,,,,though they never asked for these answers, I just asked her to run the flow… to move away their concentration with single child stuff,,,

          I have no idea whether this idea works or not but tried our best and it worked out by gods garce….

          Thanks again guys..I wld never forget your feedback and valuable suggestions throughout the process.


          • #6
            Congrats! Have a good time during your mother's visit to the US.


            • #7
              hey mohanty

              thanx a lot boss....good 2 hear all those valuable suggetions....
              she has taken those pics but they never asked for those itseems,,,





